Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ice Breaker in Grammar Class

Well hello everyone, I'm I Putu Adhi Wirayasa and now I would like to present you a video about an Ice Breaker.

Ice Breaker is an Idioms that's mean something that can break the serious situation and make the situation more relax. This video is used for the Grammar Class and include an Ice Breaker to make the students feel happy and can enjoy the class. By enjoying the class and the lesson, it can make the lesson will be easily accepted by the students.
So here is the link of the Video that I made as an Ice Breaker: Ice Breaker Lesson in Grammar Class

Okay, That's all about my post today. Thanks for your attention.


  1. i have watched the video.... that is great, you give the explanation of the material, example and also the exercise. i think the students will be understand easily if we use this video.
    great job ... :)

    1. Well how about the opening part? is it good jinggo? :D
      yeah i spent more that 6 hours to make this video, but never mind. I got good result for the video. very satisfying when i watch my video :D
      may be you can make the same one with a different topic jinggo :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i have watched the video. it is great. the material is easily to learn. And the picture and music not too boring so the student will be interest with the explanation. great adhi ^^

    1. Yeah i designed it to make the student enjoy the lesson. :D
      thank your your comment

  4. I think it is gorgeous Ady... the slide or the background are very attractive..
    beside that your content is also great..
    I think this is really really really totally GOOD :)

    1. I mean the slides of your video are attractive , hehehehe :p
      i'm sorry it's a mistake

    2. hahahaha,,, yeah i think so :P
      thanks for your compliment

  5. cannot say anything other than 'GREAT'

    1. Thanks adi.. This is how I spend my spare time lol :D

  6. i think with this video students will learn the lesson easier and it is very interesting. Great job adi :)

  7. I love the cartoon...I want to share with my student later

    1. Sure... it's nice to know that my post is very useful for you.. :D

  8. very good video. The content give very useful information and the design is very interesting. Of course you can use it for improve the learning process. your student will enjoy it.
