Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hot Potatoes (JQuiz, JMix, JMatch, JCross, JCloze), Short tutorial about How to Use J-Mix and, How to Publish/Upload your Hot Potatoes File.

Well hello everyone, My name is I Putu Adhi Wirayasa,  Well now I would like to tell you about one software known as "Hot Potatoes". Hot Potatoes is an application that can be used to make a Quiz. there are 5 feature in Hot Potatoes, there are: JQuiz, JMix, JMatch, JCross, and JCloze. Every feature of Hot Potatoes have different function. JQuiz is used to make a Multiple Choice quiz, JMix is used to make a Jumble Word quiz, JMatch is used to make a Matching Quiz, JCross is used to make a CrossWord Quiz and the last JCloze is used to make a Gap-fill quiz. This application is very interesting and also very useful in order to make some quiz. So here I would like to present you a video of one feature of Hot Potatoes. How to use JMix.

JMix is very simple to be used. you can make any jumble word quiz with this. So if you want to know how to use this application, let's watch a video that I made for you. Click this link: JMix - Hot Potatoes (Video)

After watch the Video, I hope it can be helpful for you in order to use JMix. But not only that, here I also have some quiz that I made by Hot Potatoes Application. The Quiz is about  JQuiz, JMix, JMatch, JCross, JCloze. So here are the link and please answer the quiz.
Click this link to go to the Quiz:
JMix Quiz: JMix Quiz by: Ady Wirayasa
JQuiz Quiz: JQuiz Quiz by: Ady Wirayasa
JMatch Quiz: JMatch Quiz by: Ady Wirayasa
JCross Quiz: JCross Quiz by: Ady Wirayasa
JCloze Quiz: JCloze Quiz by: Ady Wirayasa

Okay, that's all about the Quiz. I hope it can be useful for you. And now I would like to tell you how to upload you Hot Potatoes file to the internet. By uploading your file, you will be able to get the link of your file, so you can publish your hot potatoes file like what I did in this post.
Okay here the steps how to upload your HotPot file:

1. Click "file", and that click the "Create Web Page" icon.

2. After that, "save" your file to the computer.

3. After you save your file to your computer, there will be appearance a menu like the picture, and then please click "Upload the file to the Website".

4. After you click that icon, there will be appearance a menu like this. and then please insert your user name (new). and after that click the box below " create a demo account for me on"

After those steps finish, next just follow the instruction until the notice appear that say your file has been uploaded. and then the process is finish.

Okay, well that's all of my post today. I hope it can help you in order to use Hot Potatoes and also to upload your file. Thanks for your attention and see you later.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ice Breaker in Grammar Class

Well hello everyone, I'm I Putu Adhi Wirayasa and now I would like to present you a video about an Ice Breaker.

Ice Breaker is an Idioms that's mean something that can break the serious situation and make the situation more relax. This video is used for the Grammar Class and include an Ice Breaker to make the students feel happy and can enjoy the class. By enjoying the class and the lesson, it can make the lesson will be easily accepted by the students.
So here is the link of the Video that I made as an Ice Breaker: Ice Breaker Lesson in Grammar Class

Okay, That's all about my post today. Thanks for your attention.

Friday, January 3, 2014

How to use Lectora Inspire

Well hello everyone. my name is I Putu Adhi Wirayasa. Here I want to present a tutorial video about a software known as Lectora Inspire. before watch the video, first of all I want to introduce you what Lectora Inspire is. Lectora Inspire is an application or a software that can be use to make a presentation. It's quite similar with Microsoft Powerpoint but It has more feature. we also can make a Quiz just like in Hot Potatoes by using this application.
That is brief introduction about the software, So now let's watch the video. Because I'm new in this kind of application. I just want to say sorry if there are any mistakes in the video.
Okay let's watch the video by click this link: Lectora Inspire Short Tutorial

Okay, that's all about my post. I hope it can be helpful and Thank you.

PowerPoint Presentation about an International Journal IALLT

Well hello everyone. My name is I Putu Adhi Wirayasa and now I would like to present you a video about my PowerPoint presentation of an International Journal IALLT that discus about "Do Wikis affect the grammatical aspect of second-language writing?"


So to watch the video, please click this link : PowerPoint Presentation about a Journal

Okay, that's all about my post. I sorry if there is any mistake during the video and I don't forget to say Thank you.